An Ethereal Guitarist's Path

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Planning for the future

At this point in my life, it is time to develop a plan, stick to it, and start doing it. Someone I greatly look up to and admire, Layne Norton is not only a professional natural bodybuilder, he also has a PHD and a wife. And guess what? He is only 28 years old. That to me is amazing. I am not saying that I want to be like him or do the same things, but I need to get my ass in gear. I want to achieve a lot and be well off in terms of a career and money. First things first, let me examine what skills I actually do have.

1. Guitar/music 8 years+ exp. Not very mainstreamed styles
2. fitness/bodybuilding 2 years + exp.
3. Dancing 1 month + exp.
4. ???
5. ???

Those are the three things that come to mind. I can make money by teaching in these areas. Guitar lessons would be the easiest start, and personal training will soon follow, perhaps by next summer. I would like to eventually become a great dancer and dance teacher, but that will probably take a solid 3 years or so to do (with constant practice).

So where do I go from here? I want to add more to that list, the question is just a matter of figuring out what. This is what I have to work with at the moment and I will have to make the best of these. I am 20 years old, almost 21 now. I want to have a very comfortable life by the time I am 30. By that I mean I want to be well established in different areas to the point where I can make money off of anything if I so chose. My plan is that the 9 years up until that point will be gradually progressing and getting BETTER...NOT WORSE. I will not accept that. Just like there is a certain level of guitar playing and bodybuilding I refuse to never get down to again, I will not get to a worse situation money-wise, than I am in now. I have to stay on top.

So, now that that is out of the way I want to make a plan for the next 9 years. First things first I will start with a long term goal, however I still don't have the clearest idea of what I want that to be. I will plan for a midpoint, and then several milestones in the near future.

Present: November 2010
1. Guitar/music 8 years+ exp. Not very mainstreamed styles
2. fitness/bodybuilding 2 years + exp.
3. Dancing 1 month + exp.
income: approx. 12k/year
Living: New rochelle
School: none
=======gutiar lessons

January 2010
1. Guitar/music 8 years+ exp. Not very mainstreamed styles
2. fitness/bodybuilding 2 years + exp.
3. Dancing 3 month + exp.
income: approx 12k/yea
Living: elsewhere
school: none
===work towards personal training

++++++6 months+++++++
June 2011
1. Guitar/music 8.5 years+ exp. Not very mainstreamed styles
2. fitness/bodybuilding 2.5 years + exp.
3. Dancing 9 month + exp.
Personal training

income: approx 12k/yea
Living: elsewhere
school: none

By the time I am 26 years old, I want to have graduated college with a bachelors degree
That means I must enter School between 21- right before my birthday, and 22, right before my birthday.

to be continued...