An Ethereal Guitarist's Path

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Quick update

Ive barely played my electric guitar. Today i played for a while. Its much easier to fret after playing on my classical, since the neck and frets are both bigger. My picking hand is still lacking, and thats exactly whats holding me back. Ive gotta seriously work on that.

My technique for classical guitar is getting much better than when i first started. The jazz chords i was supposed to memorize and switch between are pretty easy for me now. Everythings coming together rather quickly, yet i still havent practiced enough

Friday, February 1, 2008

Jazz! and viola!

Ok, so i had my first jazz lesson today. My teacher just showed me a few jazz chords. I told him i didnt know the basic chords like CM, GM etc, but he just started me with with the more advanced oness. By next week i need to be able to memorize and switch between the few chords he showed me well. It will be an easy task by far. I am going to ask him to move at a much faster pace, because this isnt too hard really, plus since i only have a half hour i want to get as much done as i can.

Taking lessons has pretty much been motivating me to get better at reading music. Ive always known how to, just barely did it at all. So now everythings starting to tie together at once, and im very happy about it. So pretty much, its almost like im playing three instruments. Classical guitar and electric guitar are very different from each other. Similar of course, but i consider them two different things. Now im going to have a shit ton of classical music to play, jazz music, and death metal. Thats what ill be focusing on.

Also, I will be documenting all my lessons from the start, so in the future i can get a better idea of how to teach people guitar and things like that, and hopefully eventually get some students and make some money off of it. My main goal is to progress fast, so i can learn more. Then once i get the basic stuff down and all that stuff, I will be doing a bunch of creating. These are the best things to ever happen in my life till this day. Totally excited, totally ambitious!

depending on how viola is going, i may make a blog for that, we'll see

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Guitar lesson 1

ok, i had my first lesson today. It was pretty interesting i suppose. My teacher said my left hand was pretty good which is expected, but my right hand of course was lacking. The position for classical guitar feels a bit awkward for me, but im sure ill get used to that. My teacher gave me a list of about 5 or 6 exercises to work on, which are basically the basics. I should be able to excel at these by the next time i take lessons. The key is to be patient and start off very slow. Im not too crazy about classical guitar yet, but that'll probably change. When I have the time im going to type out each exercise im working on in detail. Other than that my first lesson went fine.

I will be starting jazz lessons on friday which will be

As far as the music classes I am taking, they are as follows:
Music literature- This class is not how it seems. Basically I thought this was gonna be about reading who knows what about music, or an english class in disguise. When I arrived to the class we started sharing live performances we've been to and what we've been listening to. Basically this class seems like its about learning how to describe music and identifying the elements within music and how they relate to music now.

Elementary Musicianship- Basica theory class. Fast paced class which is what i need right now, since i have a basic understanding of theory, I just dont know it stone cold.

Finally I get to dive into the music world a bit more. Right now I like electric guitar way better than classical guitar, in sound and style and playability etc. Lets see how my outlook changes on that in the future.

On another note, im thinking about taking viola lessons since I do have a viola and figure why the hell not. Gonna speak to the teacher soon about that since I know nothing about viola

Monday, January 28, 2008

My college schedule

So far this is how my schedule is looking

Monday- 11:00-12:20PM Music Literature

FOOD till 1:30

10 free hours (slightly less due to eating)

Shower 12AM, sleep 1AM

Tuesday- 11:00-12:20PM Elementary Musicianship

12:30-1:15PM Classical guitar lessons

FOOD till 1:50

2:00-3:20PM Intro to Art

3:30-4:50PM Political science

FOOD to go

5:00-9:00PM Security aide (4 work hours)

3 free hours

Sleep at 12/1

Wednesday- 11:00-12:20PM Music Literature

12:30-1 FOOD, snack

2-3ish Running, FOOD, snack

3PM-5PM Capital Punishment

4 and a half free hours, FOOD, snack

10PM-1AM FM show

Sleep at 1:30/2

Thursday- 11:00-12:20PM Elementary Musicianship

12:30-2:00PM food/get ready for class

2:00-3:20PM Intro to Art

3:30-4:50PM Political science


7 free hours (slightly less due to eating)

Sleep at 12:30/1AM

Friday- 10AM Jazz guitar lessons

FOOD at 11

12-2PM workout/nap

3-5PM Capital Punishment (my show)

7+ free hours

Saturday- 2 hours- workout/eat

Rest of the day free

Sunday- 1PM food, snack,

2PM/3PM workout

4-5PM food, snack

5:00PM-11:00PM Security aide (6 work hours)

1 free hour

Shower at 12:30AM

Sleep at 1AM

ive got about 45 free hours and 10 work hours (which i can used to play guitar, read, do hw, or anything else really)

so about 55 free hours. Ideally i would use 42 of those hours to play guitar, leaving 13 hours completely to myself or to chill with other people. Im not sure how i want to distribute the free time yet

a week without guitar 1/26-27

this is supposed to be saturday/sundays post.

Yup, so i havent played guitar for a week. I played for an hour today (saturday). There wasnt that much of a decline in my skill level thankfully. It was just harder to play really fast stuff, but within a few days-to a week I can probably get back to the level that I was at. The first days of college have been just really disorganized. Im trying to keep everything to a scheduel, everything besides my practicing times. Ill fit those in whenever Im in the mood to practice. I feel that that shouldnt be forced.

So today (sunday)
I played for about 2 hours. The hours were a bit forced. Ive been feeling a bit lethargic recently, not sure why. My guess is not enough vitamins or something, who knows. Not a whole lot to report on here, practiced some songs mainly at slow speeds, bout all.