Monday- 11:00-12:20PM Music Literature
FOOD till 1:30
10 free hours (slightly less due to eating)
Shower 12AM, sleep 1AM
Tuesday- 11:00-12:20PM Elementary Musicianship
12:30-1:15PM Classical guitar lessons
FOOD till 1:50
2:00-3:20PM Intro to Art
3:30-4:50PM Political science
FOOD to go
5:00-9:00PM Security aide (4 work hours)
3 free hours
Sleep at 12/1
Wednesday- 11:00-12:20PM Music Literature
12:30-1 FOOD, snack
2-3ish Running, FOOD, snack
3PM-5PM Capital Punishment
4 and a half free hours, FOOD, snack
10PM-1AM FM show
Sleep at 1:30/2
Thursday- 11:00-12:20PM Elementary Musicianship
12:30-2:00PM food/get ready for class
2:00-3:20PM Intro to Art
3:30-4:50PM Political science
7 free hours (slightly less due to eating)
Sleep at 12:30/1AM
Friday- 10AM Jazz guitar lessons
FOOD at 11
12-2PM workout/nap
3-5PM Capital Punishment (my show)
7+ free hours
Saturday- 2 hours- workout/eat
Rest of the day free
Sunday- 1PM food, snack,
2PM/3PM workout
4-5PM food, snack
5:00PM-11:00PM Security aide (6 work hours)
1 free hour
Shower at 12:30AM
Sleep at 1AM
ive got about 45 free hours and 10 work hours (which i can used to play guitar, read, do hw, or anything else really)
so about 55 free hours. Ideally i would use 42 of those hours to play guitar, leaving 13 hours completely to myself or to chill with other people. Im not sure how i want to distribute the free time yet
1 comment:
Good words.
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