An Ethereal Guitarist's Path

Thursday, August 6, 2009

bought the wrong strings

I bought the wrong strings. Too thick and werent flatwounds. Im a moron. Now i cant get the bridge to be level because theres too much tension


blah, 3rd day of no practice...SO FAR. Im tired and dont want to be bothered with guitar. Im gonna drink some soda to try to get me more energized. Im feeling lethargic but i want to write about me fighting through it, it seems i get that a lot

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

quick update

Ok, so yesterday i got a good 3 hours in, perhaps more. Been practicing the same stuff, trying to write a little more. I focused a lot on playing my own songs, and also figured out an arrangement for Hollowed Skies for solo clean guitar.

One thing ive been working on is to use my middle finger as if it were my index finger. For instance, doing hammerons and pulloffs with my middle and ring or middle and pinky. Much to my expectations, it is rather tricky. The key is to apply as much force as possible to the fret with your middle finger, than the rest will be easier to perform. The blues scale in particular really helps with this.

Today im taking a break. This morning, my tendons on my left hand were aching, so im gonna play it safe.. Rest is good anyway

Monday, August 3, 2009


Ok, so two days ago i was working with the blues and harmonic minor. I got a good 2.5 hours in. Yesterday i did about 3+ hours. My main focus is the harmonic minor and blues scale. Im working on getting a lot more familiar with them and being able to shift up to different octaves and parts in the scale. Ive also been taking 4-5 note patterns in the scales and working with those.

My improvisation has improved and changed greatly.

Ive been working with some new jazz chords and started a new song. Ill write out the progression later on. Today, I plan on practicing a good 3 hours at least. Perhaps ill do some reading as well.